Saturday, December 13, 2008

Think Happy Thoughts...

I want to try & be positive as much as possible. With the holidays comes stress, and throw my birthday in there- it usually ends up in a mess. So, I've dealt with this time of year by not expecting much. It's worked, ha! I don't expect or plan a ton, and things just sort of fall into place gracefully.

Today was okay. I woke up with a headache. My oldest woke up and started to scream when we didn't give her chocolate after going potty. She continued to scream and wanted "eats" but wouldn't settle for good food. Anyway, my head got worse. I left a little before 11 to get my nails done. Oh my gosh! Luxury I haven't felt in a LONG time! I miss it! It was so theraputic. Here's the clincher though...

So, I'm telling the nail tech about my life, and about me not getting along with my in-laws. Well, I tell her more than a person should know I guess, but I figure- Oh, she's a random person... who cares! Well... the person sitting next to my nail tech was my mother in-law's hair dresser! I came home and told Nathan how I talked about our situation with his parents and money and blah blah and Nathan goes, "What was her name?" and I told him. He goes, "Oh, my Mom gets her hair done by a Suzie that works there."
*jaw drop*
Me: "Seriously?"
Nathan: "Yeah."
Nathan: "Yeah why?"
Me: "I just told her about our whole situation with your parents, the money, the pre-nup, everything. Suzie was sitting RIGHT next to us and heard the juiciest parts!"

So, small world I guess! I don't really care... it can't get any worse with the in-laws! After that, I took a tylenol with codeine because my headache turned into a migraine. (Thanks gel nail smell!) I felt much better after that. Youngest dear daughter is doing better today, she has been sick, poor girl.

We all decide to take a family bath, since we are all a sick mess. So, oldest dear daughter is enjoying herself playing with bubbles and washing Daddy's hair, and I am filing my nails because I came home and thought they were too long. All of the sudden I hear "Oh. My. God." from Nathan. I look, only to see shards of poop streaming in the water- coming from youngest dear daughter's butt! I immediately got out of the tub and bent over laughing hysterically! I couldn't stop, it was SO funny! Nathan tried to arch out of the water while holding YDD. He was trying to escape getting waterpoop on him. We drained the tub of course.... and then we took showers, with LOTS of soap!

Basically what I got from that little fiasco is that I need to laugh more. I LOVE to laugh, who doesn't?!

::Things that made me happy today::
1. The poopbath
2. Quiet time alone in the car. (That RARELY happens!)
3. Seeing my girls play together, YDD feeling better is definitely a major plus!
4. Retail therapy. Who doesn't love shopping?! Online & in store for today folks!


I'll update again tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. I hate most of my IL's too.
    LOL at the poop bath - and heck ya, shopping is awesome! lol
