Monday, December 22, 2008

Get Over It.... (WTF?!)

If there is one thing that I wish people could understand, I would want them to feel how I feel. Not forever, maybe just a day or two. No one really knows what PPD or anxiety is like unless you have felt it yourself. I wish I had more people that I could relate to with the PPD. I have good days and bad days, and sometimes it's a struggle just to get out of bed in the morning. That has gotten better though.

If it were as easy as "getting over it" I definitely would have by now. I hate feeling so shitty. If I could "snap out of it" I would in a second! No one would want to feel so alone and depressed all the time. I wish I could take a magic cure all pill, too bad one doesn't exist. I'm so sick of dealing with this PPD. I thought I'd be better by now. I KNOW I would have, if it wasn't for the situation with N's parents. I know it. They bring along so much stress. I wish we lived in a different state than them, that would make things a lot easier!

So... yesterday someone said to me (We were talking about something that I reminded this person to do a long time ago, and they said they would.):
"You could have called!" {aka putting the blame on me, after I reminded them more than a couple times to call and they said THEY would.} Okay... well let's see here. Did you forget I have PPD and anxiety? Did you forget I especially have anxiety about talking to people I don't know, even on the phone? VERY insensitive. It's crazy how I can go from feeling very supported to no support in an instant. This is exactly when I wish someone could feel how I feel. Words can be so hurtful. That is like saying "Stop having cancer!" to someone with cancer. It's basically saying "Stop having anxiety! Suck it up! Just call, just do it!" So yet another person has no idea how I feel. I feel even more alone and misunderstood. Calling people I don't know is like climbing a mountain. I know it's a little task, but with my anxiety it's hard! I get anxious and nervous. It took me over a month to call about a wrong charge on my credit card, because I was so anxious. Finally I had a really 'good' day and I called the CC company.

I feel like I am complaining alllll the time. Last night I cried. I just want to shake someone & be like "GET IT! I HAVE PPD! FEEL HOW I FEEL!" but of course that's impossible. I wish that people would be able to get inside my brain & feel what I feel. Depression & PPD is an illness, just like cancer or whatever else, it can literally take over your life. I won't let it, but sometimes it feels like no one will ever understand. It's hard to feel better when no one understands you.

If I could just shake these feelings off, believe me, I would.

Tomorrow is my birthday. I'm not excited. I actually wish I could just skip to Christmas morning to watch the girls open their presents. N works on my bday & then has to drive 2 hours to see me, and it's supposed to snow. So, I'm guessing I won't even see my husband on my birthday. Throw that on top of PPD & now you have a mess... me... a mess. A mess on my birthday. Let's just skip it, okay? How about I sleep all day on my birthday and pretend it's not my birthday. I'll play hooky to my birthday.

I'm also still extremely nervous that N's Mom is going to ruin his Christmas and N's Christmas with my family and the girls and I. I have a really bad feeling... everytime I think about it I feel sick. My Mom says, "Don't let that ruin your Christmas". I can say that and hope that, but bottom line is that she could put N in a shitty mood, making Christmas awkward for us. Who knows what she's going to say to N. She's said some extremely mean things to her son and I before, what would stop her this time?

All I want for Christmas is a happy happy day! =)


  1. I wish I would have had the balls to vent when PPD hit it's hardest. I just kept it all inside until I snapped. Big kudos to you!

    Be excited for your birthday! Remember, even though PPD is a wicked wench, you still deserve the best and a birthday means you survived another year!

  2. I felt the same way on my bday this year (my bday was Dec 7). It just wasn't a happier moment in my life, so it was hard to enjoy it...or pretend to.

    I totally agree with wishing people could actually see how it feels to have depression. Some of them would still be naive, though, I'm sure.

    Let's raise a glass and wish for a very Merry Christmas...

  3. I can't tell you how mnay times I have heard that same sentiment - "why didn't you just call me?" UGH! Does that person really want me to feel worse than I already do right now? But, clearly, more work needs to be done to get the word out. Or, maybe more accurate, some people are just stupid!

  4. The day I wanted to run an old lady over in the BRU parking lot I decided it would be a great idea if women with PPD could wear t-shirts that say "I have PPD" so people in the stores would be nicer to them, scoot their carts over so they can get by in the diaper aisle, let them get in front of them in the line, and just otherwise be super super nice to them. It made perfect sense at the time... I had to remind my friends that I had it and tell them if there was one thing they could do it would be to call and check up on me (sometimes call several times if I don't pick up). They would never do it because they would forget what I was going through. No one understands except those of us that have been there. I'm so sorry you are going through this. I had it for over a year and it was the darkest time of my life. My son is now 2.5 and I just had a baby girl with no PPD - it is like night and day. I hope your PPD train ride is over soon. ((hugs))

  5. I, too, wish there was an easy way for those of us who suffer to help each other. You aren't alone. I do understand the guilt, the lonliness, the feelings of not being understood, the feeling that it should have been over by now. I don't know what you are doing to treat your PPD, but don't give up on trying meds. It took me three tries (and the ones that didn't work were miserable), but I am on one that really works now.

  6. Thank you all for the comments, it's SUCH a good feeling to know I am not alone in this!!!

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  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  10. In case you're still reading replies to this... God, that's so depressing that you have such a heartfelt post you get replies about Cialis & Viagra.
    Anyway, I'm a husband in the midst of a big ugly fight with my wife, who just had our second child (22 mo apart) and is reacting in a way I have NEVER seen. Pretty scary actually. I appreciate your talking about it, and I really do want to understand this PPD better - though it seems a lot more like PP Anxiety right now. I know they can go hand in hand. Anyway, thanks for sharing. If you have a tip for the best thing "N" could have done for you at the time, I'm all ears...

  11. What a great post... I can really relate :(

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  13. Hi there,
    I think my symptoms after four weeks delivery were the same but one thing i learned is try taking time out for yourself. Try doing stuff that pleases you. I had c-section and these days i busy myself my watching drama series online when the baby is sleeping as i cant get out of the bed that much. I like doing things my way when my husband doesnt fulfill my requests then i snap out but i learned one thing is that i should make less demands from him so i wont snap out on him. Best thing is me time in which i feel better that i m doing something for myself and i wont have to wait for my husband to give me attention and appreciate me that how much i have gone through.

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