Thursday, December 18, 2008

Dog Sitting

Please, someone tell me why I agreed to dog sit two huge dogs. One is over 150lbs and the other is around that weight too.

Within the first hour one of them took a major dump on our carpet. It was almost as big as elephant shit. Ok, maybe not that big, but still. I am used to my tiny little dog that is litter trained. This whole taking the dogs outside to crap & piss thing is weird. So is them being soaking wet from the snow, and then coming inside... trampling the house... carpet dirty... etc. etc. etc.

I immediately told N he is not getting the big dog that he wanted. He wanted a husky, but those are hunting type dogs and a husky would eat my dog. He still wanted a bigger dog, but I said no. Unless it is litter trained, no. No. Freaking. Way. Just... no.

On another note, I am having overwhelming feelings about Christmas. I hate N's Mom. She is something else. She's a real piece of work. She better not ruin his Christmas. She's going to push away her son, how much you wanna bet? I feel like there is a ton of bricks on my chest, I am just overwhelmed by all of this Christmas stuff. His parents don't deserve anything. They've fucked us over so many ways, I hate them. They don't deserve to see any of us. They've broken trust completely. I will never trust them again. I am 100% fine with that too... I would be so much happier without them in my life. They sure as hell will not be seeing the girls, no way! They fucked themselves over at the same time they fucked us over, funny now, isn't it? I truly believe karma comes back to you... usually 10 fold. Poor them... *gag* I should send N's Mom some of my wellbutrin & ativan... she could really use it since she doesn't know when to shut her mouth & calm down. Funny, I don't have that problem & I still have them, lol!

Now that I just made myself puke (joke) I can talk about nicer things! My birthday is next Tuesday. Yay. Not too excited because I don't want to get my hopes up for anything. I like my birthdays small and filled with family & very close friends. The rest don't matter. I'm excited to see the girls open their presents for Christmas, that is TRULY going to make my Christmas! I cannot wait for that more than anything, that is going to make my day.

It feels good to get that anger out. Unlike some people, I know how to do it the healthy way. =)

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